Thursday, December 13, 2012

Missed Blogging

  Holy Cow, I seriously haven't blogged since sept. I have really missed blogging but guess I have just been finding other things to do. I am sure I shared with most of you my Husbands coming home pictures. He has now been home in since Oct. 12th. And now back the swing of normal life around here. I know that we are very happy girls to have him back home.
  Since I missed Oct. I will fill you in, First we had to tell my brother bye. Well only for him to go to texas, but still that is a long ways away. He will be leaving in Feb. for Hawii. I know my girls will miss him dearly. But most def. me. I had so much fun getting to hang out with him before he left for texas. There will def. be a missing part of our family when we get together with out him. So on top of that my hubby was coming home the very next day. Talk about crazy emotions of a week. And why did I not blog about all this? Who knows I was prob to busy bitting my nails haha. The best part about a deployment is the coming home! I loved seeing Jazi Claire's face light up when she saw him. I know she didnt want to let him go for a second. She prob squeezed his neck the entire day.
    Right after he got home we drove straight to conway. It was surreal for a while until we all got in the swing of things. Jaz seemed scared that if he even got in the shower he wasnt going to come back. I really saw what effects this had on her him being gone. He took off of work for two weeks before our vacation. This time was so important for our family.
   Three weeks after Jas being home we went to the Bahamas to celebrate our 5yr anniversary. Just a small milestone but man sure have a lot to show for our great 5yrs of marriage. The bahamas was absolutely amazing. The only bad part was we got the back end of hurricane sandy so it was colder than expected. It was all around great.. we meet some good people while we were there, had great food and best part it was a beautiful place. I can not wait to go back. I didnt take my camera because it so big a bulky and I didnt want anything to happen to it. But when we go back I will take it next time.
   November, Jas went back to work. A pretty hard transition for Jaz but she got the hang of it. We had thanksgiving with my family. My brother came in from texas and brought two foreigners with him. We had a lot of fun with everyone. The girls played so much, and had fun at grammy and grandpas. Basically november flew by so fast I cant believe its already dec.
  December... Already? We came home and put all of our decorations up after thanksgiving. I had been doing some early shopping so I am done. We have a new addition to our family this year during christmas time. Alfie the elf. This is such a magical year with Jazi. She understands the Santa thing and the elf has her so excited. December in my book now just flashes madness.. Jazi has had a gingerbread house thing at school, a christmas party at school. Then her christmas party at dance all in the same week I hosted bunco. Also her christmas program at school. Which was so adorable. I will be posting picture once I get the uploaded.
   Just to think that I am that busy with just one in school.. haha Next year it will be two. Which I am not ready to face that my Baby will 2 in just 5months. I am going to enroll her in the same mothers day at Jaz started in. I just cant believe how fast this all has gone by. Jaz loves school so much, she ask to go pretty much every day. I have thought about putting her in more days next yr. but I just feel like she has so many school years ahead I would like to just keep her with me just a little longer.
  Jaz has one more week of school until next year and I can feel everything calming down for us. I only have a few more presents to wrap before Christmas. However Jas has a lot of toys to put together Christmas eve night! We will be spending christmas here with us four and go to our families in Jan. when Jas has drill. I want my girls to enjoy there toys here and not stress about traveling.
 So I have lots of blogs to post with pictures.. I will make sure to stay on things this time. I have missed blogging!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


 Jazi started pre-k 3 today. She was so excited this morning she woke up and she said do I get to go to school today? Once I said yes you do, she was so happy. She promised to take some cute pictures for me so we could show daddy. She held up her end of the deal and so did I with some Maggie cookies after a good first day of school.
 Pre-K 3 is what this program is called. She will have another year of pre-k before starting kendergarten. I am hoping for her to take a lot from pre-k this year, I have a hard time keeping her attention at home to teach her anything. I want her to be as prepared as possible for school. It amazes me just how well she thrives in a organized setting. The best choice I have made for her thus far.
  I picked Jazi up at 2:30, she was smiling ear to ear when I put her in the car. I asked her what she did today her response nothing. Typical Jaz :) a little further down the road she said momma I didn't make you anything, I made my daddy something. After we had cookies, which is our usually routine we headed home. On the way home she proceeded to tell me "momma I said oh my god and didn't get in trouble" I have been telling her to stop saying that for about a week now. I told her two days ago if she didn't stop Mrs.Holly would get onto her and her friends dont like to hear that. She of course decided to push the limits. Love just how smart she is, she remembers everything you tell her. It is pretty amazing how much people under estimate a 3yr old. I have always said she is ocd, but she loves her routine and doesn't forget much. I cant believe my baby is growing up.

  Man what a difference a year has made, last year she cried a lot the first few weeks. She is one happy girl to be back in school. Here are some pictures I snapped before we left.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Another Wednesday

  Today was Jazi orientation for pre-k. I am happy to look around and see most of the same kids she went to school with last year. I have always wanted my kids to feel grounded in one place. I know I want to feel grounded myself. I loved looking around and seeing familiar faces. Jazi is very excited be in Mrs.Holly's class. She was a little confused as to why she would have different teachers. I told her she is now in the big girl class. Even big girl as in I pull up and drop her off and not walk her in. Don't worry I will walk her in on her first day with lots of pictures to follow!

   Jas and I were talking tonight and he said just think before we know it she will be going to kindergarden. I said yeah in two years! Kinda sounds weird to say that. He then followed it with what will you do with her in school all day. Then Juliana will be in pre-k, you might actually have some time to your self. Are you sure you want a third :) His way of saying no more kids!

      Then the girls and I ended the day with a make up class of dance. Let me just say I am so thankful I get to stay at home and take her to the classes during the day. That place was a mad house no where to sit or even stand and watch really. But I did get to see a few glimpse of how much fun she was having and actually see her listing to her teacher! During all this craziness today I snapped a few picture of Jaz.. and I will sneak one of Juliana in with her bitty pony tail and hair bow! It was a good busy Wednesday, just helps pass time.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ever changing

  Before I had kids I never thought I wanted "Yes mama No mama" kids. I love how everything you wanted to do before you had kids all changes once you actually have kids. I can remember saying things that I didn't want to do or didn't want them to do. Just being a mom changes everything about you in so many ways and what you once thought you were it is all different now.
   Tonight I told Jaz that she could have one cup of milk before bed and then after she was done only water (Which is usually a crying battle). She told me she was done and I said would you like some water and she said "yes mama". I thought to myself everything I say day in and day out just shined through a little bit. I feel like it is a constant battle of getting her to mind, and to be well behaved. At the end of the day as a mom that is really all we want.
  After tonight it made me think of the things, and how I am constantly changing my approach on things. Seeings how I have only been a mom for 3 1/2 years I don't have anything perfect and have a lot to learn. And feel like some things I do are not sinking in. But I am glad to see some things sinking in with all this madness!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

After today

 I dont really talk much about how hard this deployment is on me. I mainly just talk about how the girls are doing with it. I say to people often how time is flying by and we are in the swing of things. Honestly we are. But many times during the day it seems we are just at a stand still. After today I am greatful for the support system I have. Honestly if I couldnt pick up the phone and call some of you I would probably have melt downs a lot.
  Today during a flat tire.. I am not telling how it got flat. But lets just say I am pre occupied with a lot right now. I some how managed to make it to the ford dealer ship. The guy told me there it would be about 2 1/2 hours. With holding tears back I said to him ok that wouldn't be a problem if someone could  come and pick us up. I am not sure if it was the panic look on my face or what.. he then said well there is a tire shop down the road I knew I couldn't drive any father. He took a look at the tire, mind you this is the guy behind the service counter that doesn't do service. He then said do you have a spare he said I will change it right here in the parking lot. I somehow managed to not bust into tears. He talked to me about both of his sons that are in the military and his daughter who is about to marry a pilot. I honestly think it is truly those kind of people that are willing to help one another. This guy could of easily made me wait but decided to do it himself. I am so thankful for this kindness.
   I honestly don't expect anyone to understand the day to day struggles that I have right now.. but I do expect to have some support. I am 24/7 worried about my girls that I barely get time to worry about how I feel. Or much less stress about the reality of a the situation. I dont need people to remind me that that it isn't to long, or wont be much longer. I understand the reality of where my husband is I don't need it brought to my attention. I find myself not sleeping worrying about things I cant control, I have always been good at pushing stuff in the back of my mind. But they some how surface at the end of the day when all my worries with the girls are laid down. So please understand that I am strong but only for so long.
  Well I guess after today I just needed one blog to maybe help some of you understand a day here for me. It goes beyond so many more things than most can imagine. Jas and I are such a strong team it seems like I am trying to do everything with just one arm because he is my other one. He is my person, and I really miss my person!
  Now I am gonna try to do that thing called sleep that I miss so much.. Because tomorrow is a new day and Jazi has dance in the morning, I am as excited as she is! Tomorrow I don't have time to be sad or worried about anything but those girls, So I needed to get it all out tonight. Thanks for hearing me..

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Play day!

  After enjoying a super fun thursday I am even more grateful to be a stay at home mom. Most of you SAHM know how trying some days can be and can often wonder if this job is for me. But however this isn't a job you can put a two weeks notice in. I love nothing more than my job and days like today make it worth every single second getting to watch them play. Wouldn't trade it for the world.
  Today we got to enjoy the museum with some friends which after words we went for some lunch at the river market. I have never been before I thought it was pretty neat. After that we walked down to the splash park which the girls just loved. I have never been downtown little rock.. Guess I have always been to scared.  People instilled the fear in me about it. And I am nervous wreck normally that I am going to get lost haha.. Jas knows a good story about this. But I really liked the environment today. After a long day of playing and the kids socializing we walked back up the the market to have homemade popsicle. Which were yummy, Jaz ate the entire thing she loved it! I got a few pictures of the girls per Jas request. I will share!

  The girls passed out in the car with in five minutes which leads me to believe they had a super fun day! The baby laid down in her bed for another 2hours when we made it home. While Jaz and I cuddled up in my bed to watch tv, which pretty sure this was my favorite part of the day. I thought I would make the girls some mac and cheese for dinner and this story will tell you exactly how crazy I have been living. I let the water boil over made a huge mess.. and the noodles were a little soggie. And I was gonna put some spices on it .. and ruined it by pouring the wrong thing on it! This is what not cooking in 2months does to me! Good thing they aren't to bad of food critics! So sitting here at 10:15 this is the earliest I have seen my bed in months.. not sure who today wore out more me or the girls :) Happy Thursday everyone!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A trip to Kroger

   The title sounds so simple right?! Well first off I would like to personally smack who ever idea it was to have miniature buggies for kids to push. Honestly who ever thought this was a great idea must of never had to take a three old to the store with them. Just a glimpse of my kroger trips...
   Mommy mommy I want a little buggy.. and I am thinking god please let there be one left. Because we all know what will happen if there are no more for her. The start off is always good.. what a great helper. She wants to put all her stuff in her buggy. Then I have to explain to her 50 times to stay behind me cause clearly she cant lead the way she has no idea what we need. With her behind me in fear that she is going to ram my feet with the metal cart... Which always happens!! I then have to tell her not to put random stuff in her cart. Then to pay attention over and over while trying to shop. Hoping she doesn't run over people, or into things. About halfway through the store either A. she has decided I dont want this buggy anymore, which means we have to then move all the stuff from hers to mine. B. That she wants to run with it, and then people stare at me for getting onto her. Fabulous I know.. in the mean time Juliana is now trying to stand up in the cart which she is successful at. All in the process Jaz says mommy I said excuse me.. OK great job Jaz now all we need is more thing. And of course it is at the other end of the store wouldn't you know. So here we go all over again! Surprise myself and my kids make it out in one piece. Simple fact why I buy four gallons of milk I don't want to do this twice a week, once is plenty. So thank you to whoever thought this was a great idea... I cant stand you!
                                  Happy Tuesday everyone!!!