Sunday, February 19, 2012

still learning

  This week has been a challenge but I have learned a few things about myself. First I am stronger than I give my self credit for. Me and the girls have our routine and are ok here. However I hate being home with out my husband being here. The house is so quiet. I miss the company after I put the girls to bed. So needless to say I could never willingly be away from him. No matter where that means he has to go.  I always say pick your partner wisely, not someone you can just parent with. Because when its all said and done the kids grow up and leave you. And then its just you and him. So for now we put all of our focus on the girls cause eventually they will leave us..So Jason and I will have our time again soon.
  Something else about me, I hate asking for others help. No matter what that may be. Juliana caught a small stomach bug and of course my pedilayte was expired go figure. I usually stock up pretty well on stuff so I don't have to take both the girls to get something small. But I sucked it up and called a neighbor to bring me some. This is something I hate doing I don't even like having to ask Jason to do anything. I guess I am a control freak.
   So this has been a interesting week for us, we have had a fun week with just me and the girls. Stayed busy to keep from missing daddy to much. So all in all.. its been a good test. I am strong and have to remember that when I want to break down. Also that I truly love my husband and hate being away from him. I am proud of myself for picking such a good partner in life. And I need to tell myself its ok to ask sometimes.. especially for pedialyte cause you kid is sick that is ok. I would do that for a friend in a second.  I am truly lucky to have these great people around me.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


   Honesty is the best policy right?  But the real question is are you truly honest when someone ask you something? I guess through the years I have found myself as maybe being to honest. Honesty is viewed in different opinions .. some people are brutally honest and it can comes off as rude. But the truth is if you ask me if those jeans look good on I am going to tell you what I think. Or if your mad about something I may think its ridiculous. So I would say I am someone good to go shopping with, or call when your mad at your husband.
       But when should you bit your tongue and not say things? Sometimes I have a hard time figuring that one out. Peoples views are all so different. And in fact I was faced with a conversation looking back I might should of just bit my tongue and agreeded. But that isn't who I am. And I am proud to say that I have found who I am and happy with that. It may come off offensive because I am confidant. Not with looks I don't think any women is fully satisfied with there body. I feel confidence comes from being happy with who you are as whole. I love who I am.. Wife, Mom, and friend. These things sum up where my confidence comes from.
      But the Honest truth of it all.. we don't really know where everyone else story begins. I feel I don't put much expectations on people because that just leads to dissapointment. I know I have had my far share of that in my life. But when it comes to honesty I want it.. I want my friends to be able to call me and be brutally honest. And I am the friend to call if you want the truth. I may stumble on it to decided if someone can handle that and at times I cant either. But in the end isn't that what we all want to hear the Honest truth.  This goes much deeper than they way a pair of jeans fit.
  So be careful we do teach our kids honesty is the best policy, but some where along the way we loose that policy. Just some thoughts..

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Loss of Energy

  Someone took my energy and they need to return it asap. I have not been feeling like myself these past few days. I am exhausted from really nothing.. I feel like I have not been getting enough sleep. I wake up and feel ok but then an hour later feel like I have no energy. I have had a few mild headaches all day... that nothing seems to make them go away. I miss myself. I am use to being a busy body and always on the go,  so maybe its finally taking its toll on me. I guess that is my reasoning for not blogging recently. So I guess if I cant find my energy soon, I may resort to vitamins or something healthy like that :)

    So I will catch you up on last week. Last monday we had gymnastics, which Jazi is loving her new big girl class but prob not as much as mommy since I get to sit on the side lines and watch! After that we took a quick trip to vb since Jas had to work in NWA. He wants the girls close since he is gonna be gone a lot this year. We were back here in Conway by tues. just in time for play date on wed. Which I couldn't surivive with out playdates. I know I say it a lot but play dates keep me sane. Thur. Jazi has school which I couldn't love more.. Gives me some one on one time with Juliana and the house :). Friday was a fun day, me and the girls loaded up and went to the discovery museum with a big play group. We were there most of the day Jazi loved it. We packed a lunch and had lunch there with the other moms. Jazi got to play with one of her best friends from school. We walked next door to the game and fish, where they had fish and baby alligators. At first Jazi was a little scared but in the end she didn't want to leave. By the time we got in the car it was after 2. After a small panic attack trying to get myself out of the bad part of little rock we were safe on our way home. With to very sleepy babies, who sleep the entire way back to conway. When we got home we walked across the street to see the one week old baby kittens since we promised Jazi, and wouldn't you know that is all she talked about after our fun day in little rock. Who knew it would cost absolutely nothing to please her :)
   The weekend came and went pretty fast.. we didn't do much except have some friend over for the super bowl. So after I am typing this all no wonder I have been exhausted. Maybe I need a VACATION! Oo wait I did book our hotel for Branson in March, which is loooong over due. Seeings how our last get away was over a year ago. So in the mean time if you don't hear much from me just know I am trying to catch up on everything since I have been so tired with a constant headache. I will find my self agin.. maybe after a nap today :)